
The ring consists of an aluminium structure 1 mm thick.
Of a parallelepiped shape, it measures 30mmX45mmX15mm. Its box is closed on 5 sides and fitted onto a revolving open ring which is suitable to any finger size.
The box consists of 2 tubes in which 2 facing magnets have been inserted. These magnets are oriented North and South on the flat surface. The power of these magnets equals 5 500 Gauss (permanent magnets).
The 2 magnets without the ring.
Contrary to the previous magnet of the earth, its conception is particular: its wide surface is oriented North or South.

  The 2 tubes fitted with their magnets allow holding from 20 to 30 needles of 25 to 60mm long. (Needles commonly used in acupuncture).
A needle placed on the North magnet will have its tip pointing
South and its handle North.
A needle placed on the South magnet will have its tip pointing North and its handle South.
  The conception of this ring is first before the research of metallic grains for acupuncture points. A patent is deposed since 1984 (INPI in France) and I present a movie at a medical movies festival the same year.
Any rings are used by Vietnamese’s and Chinese’s doctors. So, since 2000, Doctor Truong Thin and his colleagues used magnets needles at Hochiminville. For us the therapeutic results are better than with non magnets needles.
  Scientific convention (Picture 1 and 2)

According to the international convention, the lines of magnetic forces evolve from the south to the north in the needle and from the North to the South in loops outside the needle.
This conception is in opposite direction for permanents magnets used for medical therapy.
For me, the pole of the tip of a needle is not very important.
It means that there is a possible harmonization of the energy flux between 2 points using opposite name North and South.


  Only 2 rules are important for the used of magnets:
2 needles tips North, 2 needles tips South push back each other.
2 needles tips of opposite direction (N and S) attract each other
  A/ General rules for the use of magnets needles.

They are the same than for the use of permanents magnets for medical therapy.


1/ The energy will be pushed in the meridian when the tip is South: it’s TONING
  2/ The energy will be suck up of the acupuncture point with a North tip: it’s DISPERSION.
  3/ when you used N and S tips for 2 conjugate points, the energy circulation is fluid between the 2 points.
4/ With 2 North or 2 South tips, energy circulation is cut between the 2 points.
5/ For Ting points it’s a true Toning or Dispersing, only with magnets needles.

B/ The Magnetozomes

Under the influence of a magnetised needle, the orientation of magnetozomes will change in dermis like a clockwise or an anticlockwise.
Magnetozomes are metallic structure, so they will become electrically charged like a battery.
The new direction or disorientation of the point can represent the Force of the Acupuncture Point.
This electro-magnetic battery in the acupuncture point, go flat during a time more or less, when needle is taking off.
In time, gradually it releases its energy, having regained its initial balanced orientation in the dermis.
This explains why it takes time between the results of acupuncture and the actual sessions, and therefore the necessity of having a few sessions to allow the point to become reloaded/recharged as one would recharge a battery.

The Heart wave QRST.
It is the first electric energy in human body. It is present everywhere in the body and particularly in the acupuncture point.
In contact with the magnetically charged metallic crystal, it will give an electro-magnetic wave.
1/ Each acupuncture point has its own Spike or Signal linked to the metallic composition of the point just as mobile phone.
2/ Each point generates its own electro-magnetic wave. This electro-magnetic wave will evolve preferably in its meridian.
For me, the meridian remains a virtual entity.

Toning and Dispersing, Inn and Yang, North and South Pole of the needle pre-magnetised tip:
Duality and Complementarily are like the basic rules of Acupuncture.

