discovery of the metallic crystals found in great quantities at
the acupuncture points allows to explain and understand the scientific
mechanism of acupuncture. |
The theory of the needle stimulating
electro-magnetically these crystals, and which will be repositioned
in one direction or its opposite , confirms the principle of toning
and dispersing. |
The acupuncture point stimulated by the
needle acts like a rechargeable electrical battery, gradually unloading
in an autonomous manner. |
This explains the following: |
1/ a few sessions will often be necessary
to deal with a given pathology.
2/ a recovery can be observed at a later stage in relation to the
actual sessions. |
The follow-up to this research should
tend towards the definition of the specific spike in each point. The
undeniable presence of the magnetozomes Fe3O4
along with a concentration of other magnetizable metals will allow
the classification of points comparable to the existing classification
in acupuncture i.e hot points, cold points, humidity points etc. This
study can only be achieved via the microprobe. This work could take
a long and be tedious. Other studies on living subjects via the N.M.R
could also be an approach. |